Monday, 16 May 2016

Youth Self Awareness on Racial Discrimination in Malaysia

Hi guys! So, other than having to write a blog about culture and our i-friend, we had to also write a research paper. We chose the title: Youth Self Awareness on Racial Discrimination in Malaysia. We chose this topic because we felt like some of the youth are not aware that they are actually discriminating people of different race. Once we were done with the paper, we had to also make a "teaser" video regarding the paper.  So, this is our little video and we hope that you will enjoy watching it :)

So, click the link below to watch:

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Our I-Friend: Eid Celebration

Hello everyone! Today, we will be talking about Eid, which is my favourite celebration! I know that I am speaking on every Muslim's behalf when I say that we look forward to celebrating Eid every year after fasting for a whole month during Ramadhan. It is sad to say farewell to the holy month of course, but it is great to be able to spend time with your family.

This segment will be called "Storytime with Ray" as I will be quoting everything that he has told us rather than summarising everything which could end up missing some crucial details. Ima and I asked Ray about how he spends his Eid and if there were any traditions that he followed. This is what he had to say. 

Storytime With Ray

"Ahhh Eid! The best part of the year, after Ramadhan haha. For Eid, we always wear Thawb a.k.a the men Jubah, before going for Eid prayers. It is always held in a large area with lots of space, rather than in a masjid. And obviously, after Fajr prayers. Everyone usually gets ready in terms of shaving, haircut, etc. before the actual Eid day. And it's ALWAYS crowded during the last days so we have to book in advance hahaha.

After the prayers, we sit and listen to the Khutbah and after that, we meet everyone in the area, greet and wish them Eid Mubarak.

For my side, we usually have guests at home after the prayers. We sacrifice a goat/cow/camel/lamb beforehand and usually make a cuisine out of it. Saudis might have Kabsa but since we're not Saudis, we do it differently hahaha.

The first day is usually when we meet all our relatives, so my family would go to our granny's home where ALL my relatives would come together for Eid feast. And the day usually goes by with that.

The 2nd and 3rd day is when we go wherever we want to and basically enjoy ourselves. Mostly, it's the beach and malls. Me personally, I would go out with my friends and hang out."

Personally, for me, it is nice to see that there is not actually much difference in how people from Saudi and Malaysia celebrates Eid. However, in my family, we do not go out with friends and usually spend two to four days just visiting close relatives - I have a big family you see. Despite that, some of my friends do go to malls and spend time at the beach, so it is not out of the norm for Malaysians either.

Overall, Eid is mostly about spending time with your loved ones and lots of eating. I would not lie and say that I do not look forward to getting some "duit raya" either. Well, that is all from me and I hope you find Ray's Eid experience interesting too.

Our I-Friend: Customs and Communication

Assalamualaikum and Hello [from the other side~~~]

credits to
So we're back again with another episode of "Our I-Friend", and just like I promised we did X-Ray Ray even more *wink. I should stop, sorry. Okay moving one, on our last post, belle posted something on verbal communication. So I wondered what Ray thought on both verbal and non verbal communication differences in Malaysia and Saudi Arabia.

Non verbal communication Episode one: The index finger of disrespect
    Well we know in Malaysia that pointing our index finger to point something was considered rude and disrespectful; no matter what age or gender. I'm not quiet sure about other cultures, but heres a small but significant tip for all ya'll there thats visiting Malaysia for the first time or have a Malaysian friend; DON'T USE YOUR INDEX FINGER TO POINT. That's a no no.

credits to
Instead we use our thumb or use our hand to gesture to the object or person we want to point at. 
So we asked Ray on his thoughts about this. Ever since he came to Malaysia, he never did knew. To him, that information was new. So either Ray is not an observant person or that I'm wrong and its not a big deal here in Malaysia, OR people are getting rude even more and whats worse is that they don't know that they are being rude. What is happening to society?!

credits to
So basically, Ray said that there's not much difference other than the finger pointing, because just as he said "so far, I have not gotten into any trouble so hehehe :D"

Episode 2: Customs says what?

Me: So Ray, whats the customs like in Saudi?
Ray: Not much difference but...

Episode 2 part 1: Greetings humans
So just like any other Muslims, we greet each other with salam and shake hands (the same gender of course). But whats the difference in Saudi?
Well people in Saudi who knows each other would usually 
  1. hug 3 times (right, left, right)
  2. with kisses on cheeks (they basically touch cheeks with each other)
It doesn't matter their age, because the greetings are the same. Except for strangers, as handshakes are acceptable to them only. And for the hostess at home, they would offer snacks and the traditional Qahwa. Which in Ray's words "like coffee but not coffee exactly".

credits to

Episode 2 part 2: Communication through clothing

  1. Most distinguished features of the Arabic customs
  2. cover themselves up aka with Abayas or Jubah (what we call it in Malaysia)
  3. The only exception max is the face that can remain uncovered
  1. The men cannot talk to women outside easily
  2. In fact, they never do unless they HAVE to
  3. One of the reason they cannot talk freely because the Sheikh is always watching them, and if they get caught they'll get into trouble 
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  1. Usually dominated by men (retail counter, pharmacies, janitors etc.)
  2. Very few women can be found working
  1. Women don't drive
credits to

So thats all from me. Until next time... [goodbye from the other side~~~]

Our I-Friend: First Impression

As you all know by now, our friend, Ray, is from Saudi Arabia. So, Ima and I wanted to know about his first impression when first coming to Malaysia. Was it difficult to adapt to the differences in culture? Did he struggle with making friends? Based on what I have heard from my other foreign friends, they find it difficult to strike up a friendship with Malaysians and the reasoning behind that, in their observation is that most Malays prefer to befriend other Malays. Hence, it makes approaching a Malay very difficult. So, we wanted to know how it was for Ray and if he experienced the same thing as the others.

Ray first came to Malaysia and enrolled in IIUM in February 2015. He said that it was a whole new world for him - new people, culture, and even driving position, he joked. He found everything to be interesting, but he was also lonely and did not socialise as much in his first semester. He said it was his first time abroad so he found it a little hard to adapt.

He started to socialise diligently during his second semester and was able to befriend many people. He also mentioned that about 99% of them are Malays. He said that perhaps the reason it was hard to befriend Malays is that they tend to be quite shy. However, if you approach them, talk to them, and make them comfortable, everything is out of the way. According to him, everything is going well so far as he has friends and he knows that he can make more.

I hope this helps you get to know Ray a little bit. Ima and I have been friends with Ray for almost half a year and we honestly did not know he was struggling when he first came here. Probably because he was so nice and friendly to us. He was also the one to approach us first and that could be because Ima and I are both shy. I guess I do agree with some Malays being shy since we are the prime example of that. By the time we knew him, he was already a friendly guy and we got along quite fast. So, finding out that he struggled in the beginning was quite surprising. 

Well, that's all from me, I'll talk to you guys next time with more stuff about Ray!

Our I-Friend: Food

Hello again! Today I'll be talking about Ray's (our i-friend) favourite food! I am quite excited about this topic because I myself am a food lover, but no worries, we won't be talking about me :)

Anyways, I asked Ray if there is any Malaysian food that he likes and his answer was tom yam! Yes, both Ray and I are aware that technically, tom yam is not from Malaysia, but hey, each country have a different version of tom yam and he obviously enjoys the Malaysian version.

Ray likes the mixture of sweet-sour and some spiciness as well. Ima and I enjoy tom yam as well, so we made a mental note to go get some tom yam with him soon!

photo credits to tomyam village at wordpress

Other than that, I also asked his favourite food or food that he often eats when he is back home in Saudi. The most frequent meal made in his household is curry. Sometimes it's fish curry, sometimes it's chicken curry and so on. He mentioned that the curry he eats at home tastes different from the curry that he tastes in Malaysia. Of course, recipes are altered to fit the taste of the locals, so it was not surprising and I am very interested to try his version of curry.

photo credits to google image

I realised that in terms of food, we have the same taste. It will be fun to go food hungting with Ima and ray and we won't be fighting over where to go. It's fun to see that even though we live far away from one another and come from different places, food can bring us together :)